

Thursday 27 August 2015

Australian Identity (unfinished)

Australians are unable to express their national identity because we do not have one

Since the Australian convicts, first arriving in 1788 we have been looking for an embodiment of our unique national identity. However some points and changes in history and our values dictate that we one; cannot express identity and two; dont have the ability to gain one. Australians have tried to create the illusion of national identity with things like the diggers in Gallipoli, the Bush poets and painters and the convicts from the english industrial revolution. But Australians aren’t fooling anyone but themselves.
When the convicts arrived and Australia was colonized by England we had a very rich English identity. However, after we became a vibrant, sustainable and independent society quickly because of the industrial revolution we had no interest in being involved the the English or English identity, with the exclusion of the continuing constitutional Monarchy. This is expressed constantly with the Australian stereotype of the English. We picture them either as dirty and poor middle aged men from the Victorian Era, or as Tea drinking ‘weirdos’. Because of Australia's ignorance towards the English and the stereotypes we see them as we may have lost the only chance that we may have had at retaining a national identity. We have only recently realized the mistake we made and are scrambling to find an embodiment with things like Gallipoli, the convicts or Australia day. Also without geographical location, it would show that we could’ve had one of Asia’s many diverse cultures, but still ended up with none whatsoever.

After the English colonized us and we became ‘English-Australia’ we developed very quickly from the industrial revolution without the side affects that hit England. Within the next 100-200 years of Australian society and culture growth we became one of the most multiculturally diverse country in the world. We became extremely diverse so quickly that it was almost too late for us to even begin the development of a national identity. Because of this huge shift in our so

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