

Sunday 26 July 2015

Melbourne’s 6 Goals

Melbourne’s 6 Goals

Melbourne is the Capitol city of the state of Victoria and is one of the largest cities in Australia. Melbourne’s large CBD contains a residential population of approximately 93,000 and a combined total of 4.1 million. In the past decade Melbourne has had its population grow by over 130%, gaining people in the millions. We have had over 220 apartment complexes over the past 50 years in the CBD and Melbourne’s city suburbs. Places like Southbank and Carlton alone have made over 15 new residential blocks in the past 20 years to support Australia’s ever-growing population and economy.

In 1972 the United Nations put in a sustainable future goal to be achieved by 2012. Australia was one of the largest contributors to this cause and smashed the expectations with an almost 10% decrease in the accelerating use of carbon emissions. In this year of 2015 we have set new expectations for the now 2020-sustainability goal. In 2020 Melbourne is expecting to reduce 90% of severe obesity, reduce 22% of fresh water use, hold our current energy usage with 50% being renewable and ensure that 80% of neighbourhoods are classed as affordable. These are some of the things that Melbourne are hoping to do to be a sustainable and well standing city.

Melbourne supports over 10 different universities with over 25 different campuses with over 230,000 students attending Melbourne’s well-funded education system. Melbourne has 13.3% of Australia’s total GDP going into its education system to make it the most efficient and effective for Melbourne’s students. Melbourne’s CBD has a residential population of 93,000, 15,000 are students and the rest are Melbourne’s sophisticated workers. With thousands of jobs in the CBD alone and over150 vacant jobs Melbourne is supporting its community with the intention of growth and expansion.

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