

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Diversity makes this world. Humans, animals, plants and bacteria all rely on it. Diversity causes evolution in traits and culture. Without biodiversity we would have an inhabitable world full of one species of each animal, each one feeding off the other just to survive. Diversity takes us into our minds, not just our physical surroundings. Diversity changes the way we think and perceive everything we do. Without cultural diversity there would be very little war and conflict compared to today however there would be an equal amount less of everything else positive. Religious events will not be celebrated, no Christmas or Easter. The world would change dramatically. Every tiny aspect of it will change, things you’ll never notice and things that are right in front of you.

Biodiversity is essential for life. Without at least some form of it no life can survive. We live on a goldilocks planet, meaning it suits our needs exactly. Our needs are a suitable climate, water, animals and plants. The more abundance of animals and plants the easier it is for a civilization of any form to survive. If there was a possibility to survive with very low biodiversity there would be very little life and the life that did exist would be malnourished and die off reasonably quickly.
Because we have so much biodiversity different places around the world with different types of flora and fauna have developed different cultures, in the form of food, art and even religion.

On the planet we usually divide cultures and countries into two separate groups. The Eastern and Western civilizations. The majority of people see the Western civilization to be dominant over the Eastern, and in some aspects they are correct. Most Western countries are substantially wealthier than Eastern countries. Eastern countries however have one thing that they dominate us in. Cultural Diversity. In America, Europe and Australia we have Western religions, the two main and almost only religions consisted in this is Christian and Non-religious or Agnostic meaning a disbelief in any god or no participation in religious activities. In the Eastern civilization there are Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and many more and although we may have some of these religions in our society the comparison is amazing. We may be wealthier and think we have a better way of life but truly we are simply living life more dull than the rest of the world.


Biodiversity and Cultural diversity both influence each other. However it seems that biodiversity influences cultural diversity significantly more than the other way around. This is why I believe that it is the same vice versa with each one effecting the other in a negative way.
An example of this would be a traditional way of farming. Asian rice farms are being created every year making less land for biodiversity and geographical diversity. Rice farming is very cultural among Asian areas and with more use of agricultural land will come less biodiversity.
This has been apparent since 1970. It during the 60s that this trend in biodiversity was occurring. In 1960 the population growth met an all time high due to the post war baby boomers. This was when all the soldiers got home from WW2 and Vietnam was beginning. Most of the soldiers decided that they wanted a family to live with or at least before they got sent to Vietnam. So with this huge population spike came a new need for food meaning there was more agricultural land being captivated. Cultural diversity doesn't always effect biodiversity in a negative way however in small areas like the rice farming and even some animal worship can corrode the roots of biodiversity.

Cultural diversity is thriving in many parts of the world. Although some countries are not very open to any lifestyle other than their own.
There are 49 countries in the world in Africa, The Middle-East, South America and even Indonesia that have Penalties of life in prison or even death for publically announcing that you have an interest in the same sex.
Just from this map you can see how much cultural diversity there is or isn’t. Based on stereotypes and some fact most people know that the more religion in a country the less chance you have of betraying one of their gods laws without being penalized. I believe that most of the areas with higher penalties have a higher cultural diversity because of less acceptance of things other that religion.
The western civilization frowns upon this and most of us believe that gay marriage should be legal. People in high power that work for places like the United Nations have a large say over what laws apply in countries other than their own. Because the western civilization doesn’t support this way of life we think we should stop them at what they are doing and teach them the way we live. Although we live reasonably multicultural we have one dominant culture that would convert the rest of the world into western.
This would ultimately fix most of the problems we see in the Eastern civilization but many cultures will become completely extinct

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