

Sunday 22 February 2015

WINK Words

WINK Words
Meaning –in your own words
Put the WINK word into a sentence to show you understand what the word means
Bio-capacity is how much the land can produce & take up our waste. Larger and generally colder to warm countries will have the best environment
The local plant life based on what climate it is in.
Diversity means that there are a range of whatever, to have a bio diverse area means that it has a huge range of species living within it. Or human diversity would refer to different races, like black or white
Cultural Diversity
To have a culturally diverse society means that there are a range of cultures within the society. For an example in most of Australia there are a lot of Asians integrated with us westerners. Making us a culturally diverse country.
Example: “there is a huge biodiversity in the amazon rainforest.” Biodiversity means the diversity of life forms, bio meaning live, diversity meaning difference.
An area for anything to live in, for example a habitat for a bird would be in an area with rich soil for food and with enough trees to support a lifestyle
Biological capacity per person
‘If the earth were distributed evenly’ the amount of bio productive land per person
Per capita
Every human should get 1.7 global hectares of space. That is without other animals on the planet as well.
Ecosystems are like life systems. In most wetlands there are eco systems where life
Ecological Overshoot
When humans consume more than the earth will provide in a year. We currently use 1.5 earths in a year
Ecological Resources
Resources like fossils and metals that we consume.
Carbon footprint
How much CO2 we are releasing into the atmosphere
How much something consumes. The food consumption of a wealthy person will be more than a person in poverty
Ecological Deficit
An ecological deficit is when the eco footprint is higher than the bio capacity of the country.
The economy of a country is to do with the money, how much money they have and how much their money is worth.
The value of all of a countries goods at a certain point in time.
GDP per capita
The value of an individuals goods at a certain point in time.
Economic Productivity
The productivity is the output vs. the input of a city.
Economic Growth
The amount of goods produced by a city per person in the city.
Primary Industry
An industry that works in obtaining the materials from the earth. For say mining companies that drill for oil and such.
Primary Product – give an example
A product that comes straight from the earth and then is instantly available for us. For say oil. Its unlike steel since steel has to be processed before we can buy it.
Secondary Industry
Secondary industries are the ones that convert the raw material of the primary industries into the consumer goods that we can use today.
Secondary Product– give an example
A product that has been processed. For example steel frames. They have been processed and moulded.
Population density
How many people are in a zone and how that relates to another zone. For example England has a very high population density and Australia has a very low population density.
Population aging
Like the morality rate it is a shift in the average age of the population
Mortality Rate
The rate of which people are dying.
Natural Resources
Things like trees that we use for houses and such. “We are running out of natural resources for our production!”
Economic Trade Off
An economic trade off is when you can trade off the benefits of something for the benefits of another.
Standard of Living
“The American standard of living is much higher than that of the Congo and that can be proved via the global footprint.” The standard of living means what per cent of people are living at high standards, ie good food, transport and such.
Economic Inflation
If the economy is inflated it means everything costs more than it should, like the great depression in Germany. When just a carton of milk costed about $500 dollars
Economic Recession
The opposite of economic inflation. When the prices drop and everything costs less. Like the olden days when houses cost like 1000 dollars.
How Supply and Demand Influence prices
When the people demand more then the money hungry suppliers will give more. Sometimes we have a huge supply of a resource and little demand, in that case the prices will be very low, vice versa the prices will be high.
To trade means to give something up for something else. For example in the modern day we use money. Ill trade you $100 for that computer

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